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Thank you for your interest in contributing to our project! We welcome contributions from everyone, whether you are a seasoned developer or just starting out. This page provides all the information you need to get involved.

Project Overview

Our project is split into two separate repositories. Depending on the issue you have or the feature you want to contribute, you need to use either the one or the other:

  • refarch-templates: Provides starter files for creating a new project
  • refarch: Provides ready to use components (like API Gateway), integrations, libraries and other tools


Milestones help us track the progress of our project and set goals for upcoming releases. Because we currently split our work into two repositories, we also have a separate overview of the milestones.


We try to keep the milestones in sync in terms of naming and fulfillment date as best as possible.

Project Boards

Our project boards provide a visual representation of the tasks and issues we are working on. You can check the status of ongoing work and see what you can help with. Just like with the milestones, we also have two separate project boards.

Reporting Issues

If you encounter any bugs or have suggestions for improvements, please let us know by creating an issue. You can view the current issues and create a new one using the following links:

Contribution Guidelines

Before you start contributing, please take a moment to review our contribution guidelines (TBD). These guidelines will help you understand our coding standards and the process for submitting changes.

Code of Conduct

We strive to create a welcoming and inclusive community. Please read our Code of Conduct to understand our expectations for participants.

How to Contribute

1. Fork the Repository

Start by forking the repository to your own GitHub account. This allows you to make changes without affecting the original project. You can fork the repository by clicking the "Fork" button at the top right of the project’s GitHub page.

2. Create a Branch

Once you have forked the repository, clone it to your local machine and create a new branch for your changes:

git clone
cd refarch-templates
git checkout -b your-branch

3. Make Your Changes

Make the necessary changes in your local branch. You can add new features, fix bugs, or improve documentation.

4. Commit Your Changes

After making your changes, commit them with a clear and concise commit message:

git add .
git commit -m "Add a brief description of your changes"

5. Push to Your Fork

Push your changes to your forked repository:

git push origin your-branch

6. Create a Pull Request

Go to the original repository on GitHub and click on the "Pull Requests" tab. Click the "New Pull Request" button and select your branch to create a pull request.


Make sure to fill out the Pull Request template as best as possible. Also execute all required steps mentioned in the checklist and check the items off when done. This helps us tremendously in processing your PR.

Thank You

We appreciate your willingness to contribute to our project. Your efforts make a significant difference, and we are excited to have you on board. If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to the project maintainers.

Happy coding!